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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier #1069
Box Size
Box Charges $6.00 per box
Pack 2-6 trays depending on size
Minimums $2,500 GWR Truck
FOB Lakeland, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 29
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Buxus m. Wintergreen 60 60 CP Wintergreen microphylla Buxus 0.559
Callistemon Red Cluster 60 60 CP Red Cluster Callistemon 0.499
Cupressus a.g. CarolinaSaphire 60 CP arizonica glabra Cupressus 1.129
Elaeocarpus decipiens 60 60 CP Japanese Blueberry 0.713
Ilex c. Burfordii Nana 60 60 CP Dwarf Burford Holly 0.535
Ilex cornuta Needlepoint 50 50 CP Chinese Holly/Horned Holly 0.535
Juniperus ch. Blue Point 60 60 CP Chinese Juniper 1.129
Juniperus chinesis Parsonii 50 50 CP Chinese Juniper 0.535
Juniperus virg. silicicola 60 60 CP Southern Red Cedar 1.129
Juniperus virginiana Brodie 60 60 CP Eastern Red Cedar 1.129
Lagerstroemia Ebony Flame 60 60 CP Crape Myrtle 0.594
Lagerstroemia f. Muskogee 60 60 CP Japanese Crape Myrtle 0.499
Lagerstroemia F. Tuscarora 40 40 CP Crape Myrtle 0.499
Lagerstroemia i. f. Natchez 40 40 CP Crape Myrtle 0.499
Lagerstroemia in. Catawba 40 40 CP Crape Myrtle 0.499
Lagerstroemia in. Tonto 40 40 CP Crape Myrtle 0.499
Ligustrum j. Jack Frost 60 60 CP Japanese Privet Wax Leaf 0.499
Ligustrum japonicum 40 40 CP Japanese Privet Wax Leaf 0.499
Nerium Hardy White 40 40 CP White Oleander 0.499
Nerium o. Cardinal Red 60 60 CP oleander Nerium 0.499
Podocarpus m. Dwarf Pringles60 60 CP macrophyllus Podocarpus 0.535
Podocarpus macro. Maki 40 40 CP macrophyllus Podocarpus 0.535
Podocarpus macro. Maki 60 60 CP macrophyllus Podocarpus 0.535
Podocarpus macro. Meta 40 40 CP Japaenese Yew 0.654
Trachelo. a. Summer Sunset 60 60 CP Asiatic Jasmine 0.535
Trachelospermum a. Minima 50 50 CP Asiatic Jasmine 0.535
Trachelospermum j. Variegat 60 60 CP Variegated Confederate Jasmine 0.535
Trachelospermum jasminoides 60 60 CP Confederate Jasmine 0.563
Viburnum suspensum 40 40 CP suspensum Viburnum 0.535