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P.O Box 1587
Brandon FL 33509
Phone: (813)689-6706 or (800)237-7794
Fax: (813)684-5856
E-mail: lan@billmooreco.com
Supplier #1074
Box Size
Box Charges $5.50/box
Pack 2 per case
Minimums 1 case
FOB Plant City, FL
Total no of Plant(s) : 97
Image Botanical Name Common Name Class/Size Price
Abelia Rose Creek 2pp 60 60 CP Rose Creek Abelia 0.480
Abelia x g. Ed Goucher 2pp 60 60 CP x grandiflora, Glossy Abelia 0.000
Abelia x g. Franc Mason 2pp 60 60 CP x grandiflora, Glossy Abelia 0.000
Acca sellowiana 4in 18 CP Pineapple Guava 0.000
Alternathera Josephs Coat Ruby 60 CP Josephs Coat Ruby 0.000
Arachis glabrata 2pp 60 60 CP Golden Ornamental Peanut 0.480
Arachis glabrata 4in 18 CP Golden Ornamental Peanut 1.069
Azalea Duchess 2pp 60 60 CP Azalea 0.500
Azalea elaeagnus 2pp 60 60 CP Azalea 0.475
Azalea Fashion 2pp 60 60 CP Azalea 0.475
Azalea i Mrs. G.G.Gerbing2pp60 60 CP indica Azalea 0.000
Azalea i Red Formosa 2pp 60 60 CP indica Azalea 0.480
Azalea Lavender 2pp 60 60 CP Azalea 0.000
Azalea Southern Charm 2pp 60 60 CP indica Azalea 0.480
Buxus m. Wintergreen 2pp 60 60 CP Wintergreen Boxwood 0.480
Buxus m. Wintergreen 4in 18 CP Wintergreen Boxwood 0.000
Buxus micro. japoica 2pp 60 60 CP Japanese Boxwood 0.000
Croton Mammey 40 40 CP Mammey Croton 0.000
Croton Petra 40 40 CP Petra Croton 0.500
Duranta erecta Gold Mound 2pp 60 CP Gold Mount Duranta 0.475
Duranta erecta Gold Mound 4in 18 CP Gold Mount Duranta 0.000
Elaeocarpus decipiens 1pp 60 60 CP Japanese Blueberry 0.000
Euryops Shrub Daisy 60 60 CP Shrub Daisy 0.000
Evolvulu sglomeratus 60 60 CP Blue Daze 0.000
Ficus repens 2pp 60 60 CP Repens Ficus 0.438
Ficus repens 4in 18 18 CP Repens Ficus 1.200
Ficus Repens Variegated 2pp 60 60 CP Variegated Repens Ficus 0.475
Ficus repens variegated 4in 18 18 CP Variegated Repens Ficus 0.000
Gardenia a August Beauty2pp 60 60 CP August Beauty Gardenia 0.480
Gardenia a. Frost Proof 2pp 60 60 CP Frost Proof Gardenia 0.440